Category: urban landscape

Looking Up

Thursday 06.02.11

I don’t know about anyone else, but sometimes in NY I forget to look up instead of down or straight ahead. But the reward of training one’s gaze skyward needs no explanation. There is no trickery to the scale in that last picture. It’s of Mary Lou’s Milk Bottle Restaurant in Spokane Washington — well worth a detour for a crazy delicious burger served with hand-cut fries and some of the best milk shakes you can imagine. The thing is huge. And, crazy as this sounds, it’s not the only giant milk bottle in town. It’s actually one of two in Spokane, built by the Benewah Diary Company back in 1935. The other one is a Democratic Party headquarters.

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Monday 05.23.11

I ask, why must it keep raining?

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Sounds of Spring

Monday 04.25.11

I went for a walk this morning along the Brooklyn Bridge waterfront. The city has been working at a steady pace to create some public green space from the previously inaccessible concrete piers. I love a decrepit urban landscape as much as the next person, but to hear the sounds of all the birds this morning, in the barely leafing trees, made me appreciate the transformation. And while the finches above are playing a decidedly different and less melodious tune, I thought, why not. Video is courtesy of French artist, Céleste Boursier-Mougenot. It’s a little like watching a Sonic Youth concert, especially the part where the finch has a stick between the strings.

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Love Me A Bike…

Wednesday 03.02.11

Thanks to the long snowy winter, and my lack of discipline, my little folding bike (currently with two flat tires and covered in dust) sits forlornly in our apartment. Not for long. Thanks Bennett for posting this.

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Need I Say More…

Tuesday 06.29.10

And these homes are in a single city – Detroit. To see the full archive go to:

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