Monday 04.23.12

It doesn’t smell, we can’t taste it and we definitely can’t see it, so it only makes sense that there would be a whole host of devices to aid in its detection. I speak, of course, of radiation. This exceptional collection of monitors and scalers is the property of Oak Ridge Associated Universities. Their Health Physics Historical Instrumentation Museum has a somewhat singular purpose: to chronicle the scientific and commercial history of radioactivity and radiation. I wonder if Dieter Rams would like these?
Wednesday 04.18.12

I keep meaning to take photos of the various packing materials that accompany most computers and electronics. I ordered a new Magic Mouse the other day and was finally driven to take out the camera. I like how abstract the shapes are.
Tuesday 01.10.12

No sense denying the warmth and beauty of these Russian camera schematics. I have spent an unhealthy amount of time on But there is so much to look at. And, inexplicably, I’m feeling a little nostalgic for The Cold War.
Tuesday 01.03.12

I wish I could remember how I came to find Spencer Lowell’s photographs. But I can’t. In the spirit of the new year and all, I thought I should post an image that reflects the level of organization I am after in 2012.
Monday 12.05.11

Batteries are a real fact of our everyday wireless techno-heavy lives. These alkaline batteries are somewhat less harmful to the environment than the cadmium mercury kind. So, if you’re gonna buy the non-rechargeable cells, why not at least have some spectacular canary yellow ones under the hood. Available at Ikea, but only in the store, not online.
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