Category: unnecessary

Hotel Soap

Monday 07.07.14




A few months ago, my husband and I were in Madison, Wisconsin. We were staying at the Hilton Hotel. Never one for heavy fragrances, when I travel I tend to bring my own stash of soap and shampoo. But there was no soap by the sink, so I ventured to open what was clearly intended for the shower and bath. This is what emerged from the package: a “massage bar” by Peter Thomas Roth. Whoever he is. Not too stinky and fairly effective at cleaning my hands. But surprising and odd nonetheless.

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Just What You Need. Not.

Tuesday 01.08.13

Hello…and Happy New Year!! I took a little internet vacation, but am now back online.

There are certainly other ways to prop up one’s tacos. Goal for 2013 is to eliminate superfluous items from my life. I think I will be happier for it.

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