Chinatown Hats
My husband and I lived deep in the middle of NYC’s Chinatown for a little over 15 years. It was an astonishingly rich visual and cultural experience. And a long one at that. My husband (we’ll call him “C.”) used to say that not a single day would go by when he didn’t see something he had never seen before. He was right. Of course. I found these hats in various shops in our old neighborhood. Not being much of a hat wearer, I’ve long since given them away. But I couldn’t help photographing their structures and patterns. Each unique.
Photographers’ Developer Trays
This series of photographs by John Cyr are fantastic! They are stunning reminders of an artform and a craft that is nearing obsolescence. Many more to see if you go here. Thanks, yet again, Flavorwire!!
Random Friday Photo
I don’t think there is any stranger picture of dog and ducks. That’s the late Eugene (a homely, but much beloved, muscovy duck) lurking in the background. For the sake of scale, it’s important to note that Pete the pug is still in his youth here. My friends Kevin and Kay are his guardians. This is their photo. And it has not been tinkered with in any way.