I am deep in the middle of that end-of-the-year-clean-off-my-desk thing and came across a clipping from the NYT. It’s a little story about how Switzerland, in an effort to strengthen its animal-welfare laws, has a new regulation on its books regarding the ownership of guinea pigs. Apparently, the little rodents are quite prone to loneliness, so it’s now illegal to own a single guinea pig. As with any new law, there are unforeseen problems that crop up. For instance, what happens when one dies? Do you buy a new one? That could go on ad infinitum. Or do you seek help from Pridska Kung, of Hadlikon, who rents the little guys (castrated males) for as long as you need them? A vexing problem, I daresay. Video via fuckyeahguineapigs.
I wandered into my friend Lee Hartwell’s gem of an antique shop the other day and was caught mid-sentence by this utterly compelling specimen of design. Lee kindly lent it to me for a bit so I could take some quick photos. I don’t know much about this piece other than what function it performed. In my quest for further information I found a very cool site showcasing Soviet era camera equipment. They have one housing that is straight out of an early Bond movie.
Update: I looked a little harder and found this listing on ebay. The housing is made by Ikelite.
This is how I feel today. Photograph by Annie Marie Musselman (I would suggest carving out a little chunk of time to go through her work!) via Old Chum.
Photo courtesy of one Andy Bergmann. Andy, I apologize ahead of time for cropping the photo. This sign was posted on the premises where a local cat show was taking place.