Friday 05.13.11
Ace Hotel Room 1021 from Dana Tanamachi on Vimeo.
Dana Tanamachi is a graphic designer and “custom chalk letterer” who is brimming with both talent and skill. Watching the creative process in fast forward is addictive. And seeing her here, creating a custom wall for a room in the Ace Hotel in NYC is so feeding my habit. First came across her on designspiration. Another addiction.
Thursday 04.28.11
Jose Duarte is up to something. He’s taken what are typically computer-rendered information graphics and distilled them down to pieces of chalk, string, tape, balloons and a few other easily found items. He’s created a “Handmade Data Visualization Tool-Kit” for those of us who wish to tackle the wrangling of data in a more home-spun fashion. Brilliant. Thanks Flavorwire!
Infographics: 1) Number of real vs. spam emails sent daily. 2) Internet users 2000-2010. 3) Twitter followers comparison. 4) Internet users by country.
Monday 02.07.11
This came to me, or should I say, I came to it, via swissmiss and her must-read blog. The good and talented people over at Pop Chart Lab came up with this chart entitled The Splendiferous Array of Culinary Tools (click on their link to go to the site and magnify the image). Never ever has there been seen a better taxonomy of kitchen tools.
Thursday 12.02.10
Following along on both WYSIWYG and food themes (’tis the season and all), here are some graphically pleasing, although not entirely appetizing, canned goods for the UK-based chain of Waitrose supermarkets. Has anyone had the pleasure of purchasing or eating any of these treats?
Tuesday 08.31.10
So, these succulent images come from a French type book that was unearthed at a flea market in France by my over-the-top talented friends Kaari and Molly (who also happen to be sisters) on their second annual Chateau Dumas getaway. Thus far, I haven’t been able to join them on their excursions, but seeing the photos from their recent sojourn is almost as satisfying. Well, not quite. As a postscript to today’s visual feast, I should note that coincidentally Molly most generously posted a bit about Mrs. Easton…today. I say many thanks Ms. Meng!
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