I came upon this box of wooden eyeglass models when going through my mother’s house. The pieces were stacked on end, so it wasn’t immediately obvious what they were. Holy crap!!! What a crazy wonderful surprise. Howard G. Jones, my stepfather, was an industrial designer who was born in 1910. He knew how to do things the old fashioned way, and these treasures are perfect examples of his world of analog design.
Friday 11.01.13 at 2:06 pm
[…] Specs. […]
Saturday 11.02.13 at 5:37 am
As an eyewear designer and an avid collector of odd bits and pieces these look really interesting. I have several objects from early eyewear production and these look like pre production tooling samples to test the effectiveness of the tool being designed. These tools would go on to be made from steel or aluminium and used for bending, cutting and forming the Acetate. There are some interesting shapes here and I would say that they date from the seventies. The interesting thing would be to see if there is any mention of a specific brand they were being developed for?
Monday 01.20.14 at 1:08 pm
that attic…?
Saturday 01.25.14 at 11:16 pm
Wednesday 09.02.15 at 6:27 am
these are quite different
but they are interesting