Brush Brush

Monday 10.24.11

I was on the lookout for a couple of basting brushes to replace my very ratty greasy ones. I thought about getting silicone brushes, but they don’t really soak up the liquids the way I want. And something about silicone and food coming together has never really sat that well with me. The other day, while wandering around Dean & Deluca trying to pass 15 minutes before a meeting, I came upon these lovely specimens. Something about the combination of the bristles, the cerulean blue plastic and the wooden handles make me quite happy. I also have a thing for brushes. More to come.

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Heavy Duty

Thursday 10.20.11

Never be without a stash of these.

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From Above

Wednesday 10.19.11

I don’t know of anyone who has seen Jenny Odell’s work and not been completely engrossed and amazed. I can barely get enough of her art. The top image is of landfills, the middle one is of waste and salt ponds, and the last one is of nuclear power plant cooling towers. Check out more here.

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Monday 10.17.11

No real significance other than I like random numbers. And hand-painted ones are the best.

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Double Whirl

Monday 10.17.11

Back of a child’s head. Seen on the subway. Turned out very blurry. I love his double whirl cowlick.

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