Wednesday 05.02.12
The good folks over at Flavorwire put up a post today about Fulton Ryder’s tumblr collection of unusual and intriguing photographs consisting mostly of book covers, with additional images of cultural ephemera. This Robert Frank volume, whose genesis was an ad campaign in 1959 for the New York Times, brought back memories of art school photography class. Back then, The Americans, Frank’s most famous body of work, made a big impression on me. For more on Robert Frank, go here to his Artsy page.
Thursday 01.19.12
Never say never, but it’s highly unlikely that you will ever see me sporting a purple and green sweater. But when it comes to plants, my tastes take a decidedly different turn. If you spend time in Dumbo, you probably walk by these ornamental cabbages/kale on a semi-regular basis. They are on Front Street in wooden planters outside of a bar and restaurant called Superfine. I always forget that they are there, and always always stop and look at them when I pass. I figured yesterday’s blackout warranted some extra color today. By the way, did you know these are edible?
Friday 11.18.11
Bob Dinetz, a prolific and talented graphic designer, based in San Francisco, has taken a series of photographs documenting three different areas of interest: flattened gum, covered up graffiti and chewed gum. The series is called Blind Spot. I’d love to see these really really big!
Monday 10.17.11
Back of a child’s head. Seen on the subway. Turned out very blurry. I love his double whirl cowlick.
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