Category: things we use

If I Had to Choose

Wednesday 04.06.11

I have issues with flatware. After 20+ years as an industrial designer, I still can’t find a set of utensils that I would want to own and use every day…three times a day. So, as a result, we have a mismatched assembly of hand-me-downs and samples. Some of these are pieces I have purchased over the years as reference for the designs I have yet to create. The Alessi set pictured at top, designed by Achille Castiglioni back in 1982, is one of my favorite designs. It’s the price tag I don’t like very much. The picture of the lone camp fork is one of two that I bought at some flea market years ago. Probably paid less than a dollar for both of them. I’m not sure its looks are so fetching, but for sheer functionality and balance it can’t be beat. It scores a perfect 100 when it comes to impaling a piece of lettuce. And, I kind of like its lack of pretense. It is the one fork I reach for every time. My task is clear…

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Woot! A Little Self Promotion

Tuesday 04.05.11

Okay, so my Tupperware | Keep Tabs™ containers are finally complete!! Of particular excitement is the fact that the largest of these pieces will hold a whole chicken. All this storage, when not in use, occupies less than one square foot of real estate. And, these are guaranteed to last a lifetime…literally. No planned obsolescence here.

Photos by Richard Gary.

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Love Me A Bike…

Wednesday 03.02.11

Thanks to the long snowy winter, and my lack of discipline, my little folding bike (currently with two flat tires and covered in dust) sits forlornly in our apartment. Not for long. Thanks Bennett for posting this.

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Data Viz

Monday 02.07.11

This came to me, or should I say, I came to it, via swissmiss and her must-read blog. The good and talented people over at Pop Chart Lab came up with this chart entitled The Splendiferous Array of Culinary Tools (click on their link to go to the site and magnify the image). Never ever has there been seen a better taxonomy of kitchen tools.

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Hello Again…

Friday 01.28.11

I know, I know, it’s been awhile. I haven’t had much of the blog spirit of late. Maybe the holidays took it out of me. My thinking is “Why force it?” if I’m not feeling the love. But now I am. Anyway, my mother FOUND this silver spoon at an estate sale in Maine. She did not have it engraved for me! It was just like this when she bought it. Incidentally, my middle initial is A. How weird is that? I used it last night at dinner and today at lunch to slurp up my soup. And I realized that it is probably the best spoon I’ve ever used. It also makes me feel extra special.

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