Category: things we use

Brush Brush Brush

Monday 06.20.11

Mark Keoppen is a builder in upstate NY. He and his wife Wendy Townsend, a writer, live in a restored barn that Mark spent 10 years building with his own hands. Their home gives meaning to the idea of a structure being more than just the sum of its four walls. This place is literally transcendent. Their aesthetic is both minimal and lush — there is nothing extraneous in evidence. It seems to me that everything they bring into their lives has some purpose or deep significance. And the place itself is firmly rooted in its physical surroundings. That said, when I walked in the other day, I glanced to my left and saw these giant paintbrushes leaning up against a ledge in the entryway. My heart leaped at the sight of them. These aren’t just for decoration. Mark will, in all likelihood, use them. But in the meantime, they will continue to grace our presence.

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Monday 06.13.11

If one were to look at the dysfunction in our healthcare system through the lens of design, one could safely say that we are in deep deep trouble. I went to visit a close friend in the hospital this weekend, and I was aghast at all the cords and clip and tangles. There was absolutely no attention paid to aesthetics, much less usability, neither of which are insignificant or shallow, especially when one is ill or injured. My husband said it best: Hospitals aren’t designed for patients. They are designed for practitioners. I’m not even sure that is true.

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Specialized Tool

Friday 06.10.11

About the size of a small loaf of bread, and surprisingly heavy, this little beauty sits on the windowsill in Pamela Mayer’s shop. It wouldn’t mean much to someone who doesn’t sew, but to Pam, an amazingly gifted clothing designer, this pin cushion is something to be treasured (maybe even guarded) and used. Every day.

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Work Gloves

Tuesday 06.07.11

What, you don’t have 17 pairs of work gloves? What’s wrong with you? I don’t know why we have so many pairs of gloves, but we do. Some of them have specialized uses. Some are clearly worn out to the point of uselessness. Some are unused, but waiting for the right pair of hands.

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More Specialized Tools

Tuesday 05.31.11

I used to use these eraser shields every single day when creating final blueprints or technical drawings. I miss the idea of them more than the things themselves. There are many different variations on the cutouts and the size of the plates, but here are a few of the most common ones. Buy them here, and here.

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