Tuesday 09.14.10
I was having dinner at the home of some friends the other night and found the need to jot something down. My friend Pete (or maybe it was his wife Sue) handed me a pencil that was perfectly sharpened and a joy with which to write. It got me thinking about the pencils to which I am addicted — the Eberhard Faber Blackwing 602s. Soft and smooth! Here I go again, the perfect tool for the job. Sadly, the Blackwings were taken out of production back in 1998. They have recently been re-introduced to somewhat mixed reviews. I know, I know…a lot of time and breath expended on what is, after all, just a pencil. But just consider the product tag line printed on the originals: Half the Pressure, Twice the Speed. How could anyone resist that?
Friday 09.10.10
Thought I would throw up a few more images from my rapidly expanding collection of things found and documented…together.
Tuesday 08.31.10
So, these succulent images come from a French type book that was unearthed at a flea market in France by my over-the-top talented friends Kaari and Molly (who also happen to be sisters) on their second annual Chateau Dumas getaway. Thus far, I haven’t been able to join them on their excursions, but seeing the photos from their recent sojourn is almost as satisfying. Well, not quite. As a postscript to today’s visual feast, I should note that coincidentally Molly most generously posted a bit about Mrs. Easton…today. I say many thanks Ms. Meng!
Wednesday 08.25.10
The creators of Things Organized Neatly are my new heroes. Their site speaks to me on every level. We’ll be back here often.
Thursday 08.05.10
The Swedish artist Michael Johansson takes the idea of organization to a whole new level. I am fascinated by his use of ordinary objects in the construction of these totemic puzzles. They offer a sober yet funny commentary on our accumulation of stuff. There are many more pieces to look at if you visit his website. Well worth the time.
Copyright © 2010 - 2025 MELISSA EASTON, unless otherwise noted.