Wednesday 04.04.12

So, as of today Mrs. Easton is two years old!! It doesn’t seem like much, and then again it does. In baby terms, I am now officially a toddler. I started this little venture as a sort of personal diary…for all to see. I only wanted to post images of what I truly loved. And I figured that maybe, if I hewed to my own way of seeing things, others might enjoy the occasional posting here and there. I also told myself that if ever this became a bother instead of a pleasure, then I would summarily pull the plug. Well, I am delighted to report that hasn’t happened. I am particularly grateful (and always delighted) by the kind words of support from Mrs. Easton’s readers!! Happy Birthday.
Monday 03.12.12

Wow, there really is a cult of Lego. It’s fascinating to see what images and ideas tap into our collective memory. Lego is definitely one of them. Image via
I just noticed a fabulous comment, on Swissmiss‘ posting of this image, which is worth repeating. Joanne K. says: “I did some work with Lego some time ago at HQ in Billund Denmark. Did you know that the bounce properties and sound the bricks make when dropped are also copy right protected?”
Wednesday 02.22.12

I looked high and low for these candies. I got this crazy fixation and, like a terrier, couldn’t let it go until I found them. Vichy Mints have been around since 1828. And yes, they are made from the famous thermal waters in Vichy, France…with the addition of sugar and peppermint. Please don’t let whatever association you have with the Vichy Government during WWII cloud your vision or desire for these lovely confections. It’s rumored that eating eight of these mints a day is the equivalent to a course of treatment at the spa there.
Monday 02.06.12

A few days ago I got word that Simon Monk, whose work I featured here not that long ago, has put out a limited edition of archival prints of his “Secret Identity” paintings. The secret identity references the real-life names of familiar and beloved superheroes from our collective past. I’m not ashamed to admit that my highest personal admiration goes out to Peter Parker, aka Spiderman, even though for anyone who read the first post about Simon’s work, you’ll know that Speed Racer was the manboy who stole my six year old heart away. Anyhoo, I really love this series, along with Simon’s other work. It is subversive and funny, technically compelling and even a titch sad. So, even if you aren’t in a position to buy a print, please do check out his site.
Friday 01.20.12

Thomas Demand is one of my favorite living artists. He makes full-scale, three-dimensional paper and cardboard replicas of seemingly mundane interiors and environments culled from various press and personal photographs. He reconstructs the images, but always as a close facsimile to the original, never one that is exact. He photographs those installations and then destroys the paper sculptures. The first time I saw his work I was absolutely spellbound by both his craft and his vision. The line between invention and reality is intentional. Perfection is never his goal, and therein lies the brilliance of Thomas Demand’s work. For more information go here, here and here.
Copyright © 2010 - 2025 MELISSA EASTON, unless otherwise noted.