Friday 09.16.11
In the process of emptying out my wallet, I found this fortune. I’ve been toting it around for the past month or so. At first I thought, hmnnn, this is good, I am almost there. The there part being where I want to be. But then I quickly realized that their “there” might not be the same as my there. I’m swearing off fortune cookies for awhile. I can’t handle this sort of ambiguity.
Friday 09.16.11
Floating Worlds: The Letters of Edward Gorey and Peter F. Neumeyer chronicles the rich, visually-laden and wildly creative correspondence between these two men. I was delighted when I saw that my friend Jason tweeted this post. There is a broad and eclectic spectrum of people who take great joy in the late Edward Gorey’s work. I feel as though we all have something substantive in common, and that if ever thrown together at a dinner party, we would have endless matters of deep importance to discuss. This book is on its way to me now, and I can barely wait. Via Steve Silberman via Maria Popova.
Saturday 08.27.11
Turns out that letter I posted from Sean Connery to Steve Jobs is indeed a fabrication. One decent and upstanding reader was kind enough to send me a link to the story which details the chicanery. On the one hand, I am greatly relieved that Mr. Connery is likely more polite and well-mannered than the persona indicated in the missive. On the other, does this mean he does NOT own said stationery — the design of which is imprinted with that ever-fabulous 007 logo?
Thursday 08.04.11
I would have thought James Bond would be a slight bit more polite in his handling of this. To Ms. Mookerjee’s point, could this actually be real? I may now have to rethink my life long dedication to Mr. Connery’s 007.
Wednesday 07.27.11
This is the third installment of my brother’s ongoing to do lists. He and his partner were visiting yesterday and over lunch they handed me a white envelope containing these ten pages. In the digital world these are so incredibly analog. Yeah!!! My brother asked me why I would ever want to post these. I don’t believe they need an explanation.
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