Category: ephemera

Friday Object

Friday 08.06.10

As it has for many years, this little bottle – with its pretty orange tincture – sits atop my sink.

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Friday 07.30.10

I am a complete sucker for things that appear in multiples. And it turns out that many of my photographs chronicle this little obsession. Stay tuned for more.

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Science Lesson

Tuesday 07.27.10

Manhattan’s Chinatown is chock full of food and vivid street life. But it’s also a bastion of oddities and small treasures. These instructional rubber acupuncture models are part of that trove. Rounding out the selection of teaching aids is a cow, a horse, a dog, a miniature foot, human figures (both male and female), as well as a smaller ear and more. You can purchase any of these online here. Or, better yet, get yourself downtown and have a person-to-person transaction at my favorite Chinatown pharmacy, the Lin Sister Herb Shop at #4 Bowery.

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Not For Young Viewers

Thursday 07.22.10

I was more than a little surprised when I inked up these antique French stamps. I was fully unaware of the anatomical detail prior to purchase. Furthermore, what in heaven’s name were these used for?

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Russian School Supplies

Wednesday 07.14.10

Russia has been in the news a lot recently. In that spirit, here are a few items I picked up in a stationery store years ago while on a nutty trip to the Russian Far East. The plaster shapes are educational tools used to teach perspective drawing to young students. The fans feature diphthongs. A sort of Russian fun-with-phonics. And the lesson book – well – as one can see, it’s unlike what any 4th grader in NYC has on their desk.

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