Warp Lines
I went to art school with Scott Kelley. We lost touch a long time ago but, today, in my search for rope, I accidentally came across his obsessive paintings of these warp lines, which are traditionally heavy ropes used for anchoring, towing or mooring a boat. In this case, the warp is called pot warp, and it is specifically the line used by lobstermen to secure their traps. Scott does, after all, live in Maine. For more go here. And Scott, sorry for the crop here and there. Just wanted to get up closer to the detail.
Friday 03.15.13 at 6:15 am
J’adore ces entrelacs , le mouvement, les couleurs , la mer et ses ports de pĂȘche chargĂ©s d’aventures humaine.!
Thursday 12.17.15 at 7:11 pm
thanks, melissa! glad you like them, and hope all is well and life is good!