The Chair

Friday 08.31.12

I wonder how Sergio Mian feels about having his Baba Barstool co-opted by Clint Eastwood, theĀ  RNC and Invisible Obama.

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Eyeglass Drop

Tuesday 08.28.12

This lovely box resides at the local post office up here in Callicoon. Note the combination of serif and sans serif type!! I’m now going to see if there are more of these located in the various branches of the P.O. around and about Sullivan County.

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Rituals of Preparation

Wednesday 08.22.12

A word to the wise: Don’t watch these videos if you are in the least bit hungry. The mastery of these food preparations earns my great admiration and respect. I am also fascinated by how ingrained and fluid the actions are. I remember not that long ago watching a bricklayer build a wall and was completely hypnotized by the motion. Equally so for the women across the street from us, when we lived in Chinatown, who used make dumplings.

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Stacked Stuff

Monday 08.20.12

I like stacks of stuff. No matter what or where.

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Wednesday 08.15.12

Two completely unrelated photographs of exteriors. Except, of course, for the lovely script.

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