Partly Cloudy

Monday 06.27.11

Okay, I’ve seen stranger cloud formations, but after days and days of rain and gray skies, these puffy whites caught my attention. In our house, we call these Simpson Clouds…after the opening segment of the show.

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Food for Hedge Funders?

Friday 06.24.11

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Friday 06.24.11

Let me introduce to you the Miniman M-702 Germanium Radio. According to Wikipedia, “Germanium is an important semiconductor material used in transistors and various other electronic devices. Its major end uses are fiber-optic systems and infrared optics, but it is also used for polymerization catalysts, and in electronics and solar cell applications. It is finding a new use in nanowires.” As an element, it didn’t really come into its own until after WWII when it became an important component in the manufacturing of electronics. This particular radio was produced circa 1950’s or 60’s in Japan. These radios are still readily available on ebay and elsewhere. Check out this great flickr set of other germanium radios. And this one. And while you’re at it…these are amazing!

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Scratch That

Thursday 06.23.11

As a rule, I don’t particularly like eating or drinking from a black plate or cup. It has something to do with wanting to let light into the composition. There are exceptions of course. But these scratched melamine plates made my case. The upside is that the patterns created by all of the knife marks looked like little drawings.

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Wednesday 06.22.11

Just a couple of shots of what isĀ  actually a city of fencing. Roll upon roll, row upon row, of wire fencing in every possible configuration. My camera died halfway through. Lesson learned.

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