Refresher Course
At the risk of dating myself, I’m pretty sure I remember when I first saw this video.
At the risk of dating myself, I’m pretty sure I remember when I first saw this video.
Sometime in the spring Sam Baron installed his captivating glass sausages in the window of Japan Premium Beef on Great Jones St. in NYC. I would like to see more foodstuffs rendered in silica.
This gentleman hangs above my work table. He comes from a book about diseases of the eye. This image is one of the few that doesn’t make me queasy.
The Swedish artist Michael Johansson takes the idea of organization to a whole new level. I am fascinated by his use of ordinary objects in the construction of these totemic puzzles. They offer a sober yet funny commentary on our accumulation of stuff. There are many more pieces to look at if you visit his website. Well worth the time.