Tuesday 08.31.10

So, these succulent images come from a French type book that was unearthed at a flea market in France by my over-the-top talented friends Kaari and Molly (who also happen to be sisters) on their second annual Chateau Dumas getaway. Thus far, I haven’t been able to join them on their excursions, but seeing the photos from their recent sojourn is almost as satisfying. Well, not quite. As a postscript to today’s visual feast, I should note that coincidentally Molly most generously posted a bit about Mrs. Easton…today. I say many thanks Ms. Meng!
Friday 08.27.10

I have carried this checkbook cover with me every day…for nearly 28 years. It has a beauty and a patina all its own.
Wednesday 08.25.10

The creators of Things Organized Neatly are my new heroes. Their site speaks to me on every level. We’ll be back here often.
Tuesday 08.24.10

In a time when everyone is trying to sell you on something (and not always telling the whole truth) the packaging on these goods struck me as refreshing and striking in their default to simplicity. The Emergency Drinking Water is from WWII, I believe, so not exactly available.
Tuesday 08.17.10

So, I digress for a moment into the land of the product pitch. Want the proper tool for the job? Then ditch all those fancy-ass dish towels in favor of these thirsty little monsters. I take pleasure in pairing the ideal tool with whatever task is at hand (makes life that much simpler), and I am driven to proselytize when I do.
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