Flatware to Keep

Tuesday 07.13.10

My collection of disposable flatware

The flatware pictured here is marketed as “disposable” but I choose to ignore that moniker. Over the years I have accumulated a few too many forks, knives and spoons, always telling myself that I should keep them in the interest of work. Here is a small sampling of my trove.

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White Rubber

Friday 07.09.10

Who knows why I am so fixated by white rubber footwear, but I am. Some months before they shut their doors, I read a story in Gourmet magazine about a cheesemaker in Italy. He was clad totally in white. And on his feet….white rubber boots. I’ve been trolling Italian Google ever since. I’ve found some close approximations, but no perfect match. I added in the white clogs as a natural segue for our hotter summer months. For anyone in the market for a new pair of shoes, these are thankfully available here.

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Ordinary Beauty

Wednesday 07.07.10

I love a barn. I always have. Maybe it’s because they represent function above style. I am smitten with these watercolors by Mara Skujeniece. Check out her spool ceramics while you’re there. Equally compelling.

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2 Thoughts for the Holiday.

Saturday 07.03.10

Corn and safety over the 4th!

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And Now For Something Completely Graphic

Thursday 07.01.10

I don’t remember any longer where I found these images. But, if I had to guess, I would say they were from Bibliodyssey. Regardless, I think everyone should pay them a visit.

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